Visit of Faculty of Engineering Students to Berber Cement Factory:

Here is a glimpse of the scientific visit for the Civil Engineering students of batch 10 and batch 11, as well as the Mechanical Engineering students of batch 6 to the Berber Cement Company.
Berber Cement Company, one of the leading companies in the cement industry in Sudan. Berber Cement is distinguished by its high quality, which made it the No. 1 cement in the Sudanese construction market. Berber Cement Factory is located in El Shiqla area in Berber locality, River Nile State. ….
During this visit, civil engineering students learned about the stages of cement production and became acquainted with the raw materials used in cement manufacturing, as well as the stages that samples go through to obtain high-quality cement with standard specifications.
Mechanical engineering students learned about the machines, mills, and furnaces used to heat raw materials, and they also learned about the machinery maintenance department in the factory.
The factory engineers provided the students with a comprehensive explanation and adequate answers to all questions, wishing them excellence and success. The students were received by: Mr. Essam Al-Bashari (Services Manager) M. Zulfiqar Ibrahim (packaging)
Mr. Jaafar (Safety Engineer) Hamid Sharaf Al-Din (Safety Technician) Youssef Al-Sheikh (mechanical technician)
The administration of the Faculty of Engineering extends its sincere thanks to the factory management for their warm reception, wishing for the factory to remain a leader in this field for the construction of a new Sudan.