Mission , Vision & Objectives

The Vision
The University of El Sheikh Abdallah El Badri aims to achieve excellence in higher education and scientific research at the local, national and international levels. This is to be accomplished in an environment characterized by independence, freedom, democracy, and equality, contributing to community service and sustainable development.
The Mission
The university’s mission is to introduce education and learning that meet the needs of the community and the labour market in a distinctive academic environment with regard to innovative curricula based on the latest technologies and teaching approaches to realise the best of scientific research principles in accordance with the highest cognitive standards enhancing human development.
The Objectives
– Integrating the culture of total quality and sustainable development: This emphasizes the importance of adopting quality standards and ongoing improvement of the educational and research processes.
– Enriching theoretical and applied knowledge in consistent with the ethical, social and cultural standards of the community.
– Disseminating the culture and ethics of scientific research: This focuses on instilling values and ethical considerations in scientific research.
– Enhancing cooperation between the university with other universities and scientific research centres at the local, national and international levels: This involves fostering partnerships between local universities, other institutions, and research centres both regionally and globally.
– -Developing educational programmes in comply with local, national and international standards.
– Equipping students with the latest sources of knowledge and modern technology to develop their innovative abilities , leadership, self-learning, teamwork and competitiveness.
– Activating the role of specialised centres and units: This refers to utilizing dedicated centres to provide research and consultancy services to the community.