Clarification statement regarding the events that took place at the university

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Sheikh Abdallah El-Badri University – Department of Media and Public Relations
Clarification statement regarding the events that took place at the university
Everyone has followed or heard about the recent developments at the university. In this regard, we clarify the following:
The matter began on Sunday 7/24/2022 , when the students of the first batch of the tenth semester at the Faculty of Medicine went on strike and submitted a set of purely academic demands to the Deanship of the College. Since they did not agree to the solutions proposed to them by the Deanship of the Faculty, they formed a committee that sat with the University vice chancellor. The vice chancellor responded to all their demands without violating the academic regulations and rules in force, on the basis of which they were accepted, and an agreement was reached between the two parties.
The students of the first batch rejected the findings of their committee with the university administration and submitted additional demands that had nothing to do with their educational career and were not within their jurisdiction. They continued to escalate and stage a sit-in, and were joined by students from other batches in the Faculty of Medicine and other faculties of the university. The matter turned into verbal violence and attacks on university staff, in violation of student conduct regulations and general discipline for the sake of stability of the educational process.
In light of all these developments, and out of the university administration’s keenness on the safety of its dear students and university staff, and to protect university facilities, the university’s Council of Deans met on Saturday, 7/30/2022, and recommended suspending studies indefinitely.
In conclusion: The university administration confirms its full commitment to the academic interests of its students, and to providing the appropriate environment for that, while being keen and committed to protecting students from anything that might negatively affect that. Accordingly, an investigation will be conducted into everything that happened and its circumstances, and things will be restored to normal as soon as possible, with Allah willing.
Allah is the Grantor of success
University Media and Public Relations Department