Eaeu News


The second meeting of scientific journals’ editorial board took place On Monday 11\11\2019, at EAEU to discuss the strategic plan of the center presented by Dr. Alwathig Yahiya Mohammed Noor the center director.

He illustrated that the plan’s goals were representing the followings:

  • Developing the scientific research environment.
  • Building the scholars ‘capacity focusing on training and participating in the international conferences.
  • Raising the qualification and distinction of the university scientific research.
  • Seeking for accreditation of the center globally& regionally.
  • Encouraging the scholars for editing & publishing.  
  • Achieving effective contribution in the university scientific knowledge evolutionary sequences.

          Dr Alwathig added an adequate explanation of each goal with indications of strength, weaknesses and constrains which may appear on reality during implementation.

    The plan was extensively discussed with all the scientific journals editorial board, and it was approved after considering the committee members recommendations and views complementing the quality of the plan.

The center director confirms that all these efforts follows the   instructions of Alshaikh Abdallah Elbadri, the Founder of the University & the Chairman of Board of Trustees & Professor Omer Abdallah Albadri, the Vice- Chancellor of the University.

      Professor Omer had issued a resolution of establishing an advisory board implementing the founder guidance within the framework of social responsibility of the university. The committee includes the center director as the head of the committee, editors-in-chief of scientific journals and some of the university centers directors as members.

   Subsequent to that, all the official ratification procedures for three accurate, scientific periodical e-journals has completed consisting Excellence Medical Journal, Excellence Engineering Journal and Excellence Social& Humanities Journal. All journals are being issued by ERC, EXCELLENCE REASEARCH CENTER in the university sponsored by the advisory board of the scientific journals. The first issue of Excellence Medical Sciences Journal will appear in coming days followed by the rest of journals.

Department of Information & Public Relations.     

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