Sheikh Abdallah El Badri
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of El Sheikh Abdallah El Badri University.
Birth, upbringing and educational levels:
He is Sheikh Abdallah El Badri Abdallah Altahir Nafea, born in the city of Berber in the River Nile State in 1946 . His lineage dated back to the Abdallab tribe, the offspring of Sheikh Abdallah Jamaa`, who established the first Abdallab kingdom in the Sudan more than five hundred years ago. Sheikh Abdallah grew up in the care of his pious father, Sheikh El Badri, where he completed the memorization of the Holy Qur’an at the hands of his father and joined primary education in the city of Berber . He received his vocational education at Jabait Vocational School in the city of Jabait in the Red Sea State. He is considered as the first educator who incorporated craftsmanship with religious education and industrial education in order to support and empower Quran Memorizers, segments of orphans and school dropouts in the Sudan.
*His achievements and contributions:
- Sheikh EL Badri Scientific Institute – Berber – El Gadwab, founded and built at his own expense in the year 1986.
- EL Sheikh El Badri Centre for the Chastity of Holy Quran memorizers, the orphans and the educationally deficit , urging and encouraging them to pursue a profession as a protection against humiliation and begging and to address the hardships of life, as he specified full scholarships that included food, housing, vocational, industrial and technical training . It was the first core of the idea that resulted in the establishment of Sheikh Abdalla El Badri Technical College in the year 2002 , and which represented the kick off for the university foundation in the year 2011.
- He donated his own private properties of several buildings to be the seat of an integrated university campus for instance: student dormitories, housing of some faculties of the River Nile University in the year 1991 in Berber – El Gadwab, to ensure the advancement and progress of science in the region, and were later designated by the River Nile University to be the headquarters for the faculties of Sharia, Law, Arabic and Islamic Studies.
He established and funded integrated educational system , summarized as follows:
- Mrs. Souad’s Model Nursery and Kindergarten – Berber El Gadwab.
- Sheikh El Badri Quranic Primary Schools (boys and girls) in Berber -El Gadwab.
- Sheikh El Badri Intermediate Schools (Boys and Girls) in Berber El Gadwab .
- Umm El-Fogara Bint El Gnaid High Secondary School (for girls) in Berber El Gadwab .
- Sheikh El Badri High Secondary School (Boys) – Berber El Gadwab .
- Sheikh Abdallah El Badri University (a private non profit university).
- Student housing complexes for girls on campus and boys around the university buildings.
- Sheikh Abdallah El-Badri University Hospital, which was completed in 2019 and is now extending its services to students in the Faculty of Medicine and to the people in the River Nile State.
His achievements contributed to the development of the River Nile State in general and the city of Berber in particular. The institutions of Sheikh Abdallah El Badri availed many job vacancies in the region and took part in reducing the level of ignorance and prevalence of illiteracy in the state. It also raised the rate of health and educational awareness and revived trades in the whole surrounding areas. These activities facilitated life for the city’s residents and availability of basic necessities. Furthermore, he managed to build a water network to El Gadwab and other important utilities for the local residents who were used to extract and fetch water from wells suffering great difficulty. He also paid for the construction of the national electricity network to El Gadwab area- east of the railway.
Sheikh Abdallah El Badri allocated annual free university scholarships for outstanding students in the state essentially meant to motivate and encourage knowledge gaining. These scholarships arose spirit of competition among parents, stimulating them for better educational performance. He also funded El Sheikh Abdallah El Badri Health Centre (therapeutic unit) , which delivered services to a wide range of population in the state and for the university students as well. In recognition of his efforts and contributions to serving humanity, edification , and for his prominent outstanding role in the advancement of education in Sudan and the Arab world , he was bestowed and awarded several appreciation prizes and certificates at both the local and international levels.
Duties and positions occupied by Sheikh Abdallah El Badri :
- Electricity technician at Atbara railways.
- Secretary General of the Sheikh El Badri Islamic Complex
- Member of the Board of Trustees – the River Nile University.
- Founder and sponsor of El Sheikh Abdallah El Badri Technical College.
- Founder and sponsor of Sheikh Abdallah El Badri College of Health.
- Founder and sponsor of Sheikh Abdallah El Badri University.
- Founder and sponsor of Sheikh Abdallah El Badri Teaching Hospital.
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees – Sheikh Abdallah El Badri University.
Honours and awards :
- Honorary Doctorate Degree – the River Nile University – Republic of the Sudan- 1992.
- Jose Institute for Peace Award and Prize – Philippines – in the category of social and educational service in the Middle East and the Gulf countries – 2016.
- The Neelain first class category award for achievement – Republic of the Sudan – during the country’s celebrations of Independence Day – 2018.